FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SEPTEMBER 27, 2022 CONTACT: Amy Dowell | Amy@edreformnow.org
New Report: CT’s Teacher Diversification Efforts Not Keeping Pace with Need
Wide Diversity Gaps between students and educators of color in most diverse districts.
September 27, 2022—A new report released today by Education Reform Now CT (ERN CT) revealed vast and growing gaps between the number of students of color and educators of colors in Connecticut, despite the state’s efforts to diversify the teaching workforce. The report—“The Diversity Gap: Exploring the Pace of Diversifying the Teacher Workforce in Connecticut”—calls that demographic difference between students and teachers of color a ‘Diversity Gap’ and shows that, as it widens, minority teacher recruitment becomes a more pressing issue than ever before. This is particularly concerning as research continues to show that, when students of color are taught by a representative teaching workforce, they are held to higher expectations academically and are less likely to be suspended from school.
“We give Connecticut’s Governor, officials, and legislators credit for the seriousness with which they have committed to policy making to improve minority teacher recruitment in recent years, but our efforts have not kept pace with our state’s need,” said ERN CT Director Amy Dowell. “The Diversity Gap is yet another form of educational inequity that contributes to opportunity gaps for students of color, but it’s also one that we have clear examples for how to address.”
The report includes a case study from Manchester Public Schools, which—through programs, resource allocation, and intentionality—is building a district-wide culture of inclusion, and seeing the results. Since the start of the pandemic, Manchester Public Schools has decreased its Diversity Gap by more than a full percentage point, even as the diversity of its student body has grown.
“We know others across the state will benefit from learning about Manchester’s important work,” added Dowell.
About Education Reform Now CT:
The state chapter of a national organization, Education Reform Now CT is a 501(c)(3) that operates as a think tank and policy advocate, promoting great educational opportunities and achievement for all by increasing equity, protecting civil rights, and strengthening the social safety net.