Fair Access to High Quality:
Expand the Open Choice program, which allows students to attend school in any participating district within the region in which they reside. This program increases shared services, empowers parents, and helps districts with declining enrollment.
Incentivize municipalities to build affordable housing by distributing increases school construction reimbursements.
Students Prepared For the Future:
Hold institutions of higher education accountable when they have low completion rates for underrepresented populations.
Increase mentorship for low-income students and students of color as they prepare for post-K12 experiences.
Enhance teacher and administrator preparation to support K-12 academic success, with a focus on literacy.
Healthy Schools for All:
Remove non-medical exemptions to school immunization requirements —because all parents have a right to know that their children are in safe and healthy classroom environments.
Make the Excess Cost Grant for special education more stable and predictable for districts.
Public School Choice:
Establish a single funding formula for all districts and all types of public schools, including magnets and charters.
Advocate for a renewed RFP process to open additional charter schools in the state next year.
Address overcrowding in Danbury by opening the Danbury Prospect School in 2020, whose charter was approved by the State Board of Education in 2018.