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Public News Service: Education remains strong CT voter priority in 2024 elections
CT Post: Most CT school districts finally adopting 'Right-to-Read.' Five are still holding out
Inside Higher Ed: Legacy’s ‘Last Stand’ in Connecticut
Public News Service: CT legacy admissions bill to be voted on by state Senate
Hartford Courant: CT lawmakers consider outlawing preference for 'white and wealthy' in college admissions.
CT News Junkie: Aspiring Educators Scholarship Supports Students of Color Pursuing Their Teaching Dreams
CT Insider: Private colleges defend legacy admissions CT lawmakers are seeking to ban
CT Mirror: 4 proposals to watch out for in CT’s 2024 legislative session
CT Insider: How should schools teach reading? It's the hottest debate in CT education
CT Insider: Yale reinstates standardized test requirement for first year and transfer student admissions
Public News Service: CT General Assembly considers eliminating legacy admissions
CT Insider: CT could become first state to ban legacy admissions in higher education: 'A practice of the past'
Public News Service: Report: CT student diversity outpaces educator diversity
Republican American: A flawed measure of success
Hearst CT Editorial: Process to become teacher in CT needs a reboot
WSHU: CT student body continues to diversify, but education workforce falls behind
Hartford Courant: ‘Diversity gap’ between CT students and teachers of color widening, report shows
CT Mirror: Report: Widening “diversity gap” between students and teachers of color
Register Citizen: As CT schools struggle to fill jobs, a new coalition seeks...
Middletown Press: As CT schools struggle to fill jobs, a new coalition seeks...
Stamford Advocate: As CT schools struggle to fill jobs, a new coalition seeks...
The Hour: As CT schools struggle to fill jobs, a new coalition seeks to simplify teacher cert
The News-Times: As CT schools struggle to fill jobs, a new coalition seeks to simplify teacher cert
Greenwich Time: As CT schools struggle to fill jobs, a new coalition seeks to simplify teacher cert
CT Post: As CT schools struggle to fill jobs, a new coalition seeks to simplify teacher cert
CT Insider: As CT schools struggle to fill jobs, a new coalition seeks to simplify teacher cert
Trinity Tripod: CT Law Requires Colleges... to Provide Transcripts to Students, Alumni w/... Debt
CT Public: A new CT law lets students with college debt get transcripts. Some say it doesn’t go far
CT Mirror: CT legislature votes to stop colleges from withholding transcripts over debt
Journal Inquirer - Report: State’s colleges have higher tuition, lower completion rates than peers
WSHU - Sound Bites: High-tuition Connecticut colleges have low graduation rates
Stamford Advocate: CT colleges have higher tuition, lower completion than peer schools, report shows
Register Citizen: CT colleges have higher tuition, lower completion than peer schools, report show
The Hour: CT colleges have higher tuition, lower completion than peer schools, report show
News-Times: CT colleges have higher tuition, lower completion than peer schools, report shows
New Haven Register-CT colleges have higher tuition, lower completion than peer schools, report shows
Middletown Press: CT colleges have higher tuition, lower completion than peer schools, report shows
Greenwich Time: CT colleges have higher tuition, lower completion than peer schools, report shows
CT Post: CT colleges have higher tuition, lower completion rates than peer schools, report shows
CT Insider: CT colleges have higher tuition, lower completion rates than peer schools, report shows
CT Mirror: Students of color need teachers of color
News-Times: Owe college debt? CT lawmakers trying to bar schools from withholding your transcript fr
The Day: 'Right to Read' advocates defend curriculum mandates
Opinion: Let’s stay the course on right to read
(New Haven Independent) Reading Experts Chart Path To Phonics
CT Viewpoints Opinion: How Connecticut can move forward on teacher diversity
Study: Despite Efforts, Diversity Gap Widens
CT Public: Lawmakers consider bill to stop legacy college admissions
Hartford Courant: Connecticut lawmakers weigh bill to bar legacy college admissions
Yale Daily News: Quinlan testifies in support of legacy admissions
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